- Quackery has no friend like gullibility.
- Quality goods advertise themselves.
- Quarreling dogs come halting home.
- Quarrels do not last long if the wrong is only on one side.
- Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die.
- Quarrels enhance the pleasures of love.
- Quebecois Proverbs.
- Quick and well don’t agree.
- Quick and well seldom go together.
- Quick and well, nobody.
- Quick at meat, quick at work.
- Quick believers need broad shoulders.
- Quick come, quick go.
- Quick enough, if but good enough.
- Quick enough, if safe enough.
- Quick to believe is quickly deceived.
- Quick to borrow is always slow to pay.
- Quicker by taking more time.
- Quickly come, quickly go.
- Quiet horses kick the hardest.
- Quiet people are well able to look after themselves.
- Quiet rivers have flowery banks.
- Quiet water wears down a mountain.